Originally published on Photoblog by Gethin Thomas SEPTEMBER. 08, 2020
[34-365] 8th September 2020- The sign says it all really.
George Beable, a retired farmer from Wrangaton: "Shortly before D Day a major ’invasion’ exercise was carried out into the South Hams and my father, who was farming near Ugborough, found the roads jammed with army vehicles and Sherman tanks in the fields."
"Each morning my father would cycle to a field adjacent to Kitterford Cross (on the 3121, near the A38, just below Wrangaton) to check his cattle and on the morning of this exercise he found his way barred by a GI on sentry duty on the crossroad.

"He trained his gun on my father and told him in no uncertain terms that he had orders that no one should pass through the junction and that he would shoot my father if he attempted to do so.
"My father protested but he could not get the GI to allow him access to the field . Eventually Dad changed his approach and offered to bring him a dozen eggs the following morning if he would let him through. The gun was immediately lowered and a broad smile spread across the soldier’s face!
"True to his word my father took the eggs up to the crossroads the next day but the GI was no longer there. He would often wonder if this particular soldier survived D Day."