Originally published on Photoblog by Gethin Thomas FEBRUARY. 13, 2021
[196-365] 13th. February 2021- Photoblog has been inundated with photos of ice and snow for weeks now, so it is becoming clear that there is a definite northern bias in this blogosphere. Personally I can live without both so I consider myself lucky that so far we have missed out on this wonder of nature.
We do have the next best thing though at the moment as the lane has Snowdrops in abundance. Little clumps popping up every few yards. As you go up the lane the hedgerow rises up above you so that the Snowdrops are popping out all over, at eye level and you get a chance to see them close up in all their beauty without having to lie on the ground.
An actor walking up the lane could slip into a moment of reverie, imagining they were on stage with a tiered audience of admirers, rising steeply on either side, approving a performance, as the tiny animated flowers nod away in a breeze, that rustles the thousands of dead leaves in the canopy above into applause.

There was only one Primrose to be found just squeezing it's tiny face out from behind an autumnal oak leaf.
