Originally published on Photoblog by Gethin Thomas OCTOBER. 22, 2020
[77-365] 21st. October 2020- This time from Spain. Storm Barbara was named by Spanish meteorologists. The storm is expected to unleash torrential downpours and gales on Britain, as it sweeps in from Spain and Portugal. Some areas could see the equivalent of four to six weeks' worth of rain in just a few days. The UK can expect unsettled weather for the rest of the week once the wind and rain clears off into the North Sea.
I was out early this morning. Storm Barbara is not going to put me off a Full English at the Creek's End Inn. The tide was fully in, quite high and the rain which had been pouring down since three am. was doing it's best to make it higher still. Two watery natural forces, one going up and the other coming down. In between were my feet and my umbrella, and just beneath my one hand held umbrella, was my one hand held camera, adding up to two hands doing the work of four in high winds and trying to avoid camera shake. Even in a storm though the harbour looks quite attractive.
My Full English was two slices of bacon, one sausage, two hash browns, baked beans, fried mushrooms and a fried egg. I foolishly forgot to request scrambled, my egg of choice with a Full English. I nearly forgot to say, you also get toast and strong black coffee.

Previously The Full English was also commonly known as The Full Monty. Then a Motion Picture came along of the same name and it certainly was not about breakfast, scrambled or otherwise. The Full Monty had become a common slang phrase (before the movie), that travelled well and was applied to anything where you were considered to have gone all out or made a complete job of something. So for example if you had recounted doing the decorating in your home maybe, and someone asked you what decorating you had done, you might answer The Full Monty, meaning you've done the lot.
Likewise if you were in the habit of removing your attire on stage in front of an audience you might only get down to your Boxer's or you might do The Full Monty.
The origin is not known for certain although a likely source has been hypothesized: Field Marshal Montgomery's preference for a large breakfast, even while on campaign. Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, KG, GCB, DSO, PC, DL; 17 November 1887 – 24 March 1976), nicknamed "Monty" was a senior British Army officer who served in both the First World War and the Second World War. Many 20th century phrases in Britain and probably also the USA derive from life in the army. Just as many older British phrases derive pre 20th century from the Navy and maritime life.
Similar North American phrases include "the whole kit and caboodle", "the whole nine yards", "the whole ball of wax", "the whole enchilada", "the whole shebang", or " the whole hog".
I'm not sure whether the American equivalents transfer as readily to a movie full of naked men. Just pick one and try it out in your head. See what I mean? I think being far more descriptive of actual things that could easily be taken for euphemisms, you could start to get into dangerous territory very quickly. So I would recommend any American remake probably stick with The Full Monty.
I'll stick with my sausage and beans, non euphemistically speaking.